Donna Sadzius - Homoeopath & Bowen Therapist
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Donna Sadzius - Homoeopath & Bowen Therapist

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2018 2017
Donna Sadzius - Homoeopath & Bowen Therapist
Healing From Within is back in the Dunning St, clinic in Palmwoods! For all your health needs call 0403011502 or visit How I work My sole focus is on helping the client resolve their health issue so I take the time to thoroughly establish the core of the problem before identifying the appropriate therapy for the each persons presenting problem. The first Homoeopathic consultation is usually an hour long. I take time to listen to you and compile a comprehensive profile of your symptoms and other relevant details before applying my own assessment of your needs. I always aim to find the single remedy that tackles the root cause of the problem to ensure that it’s the most powerful and effective. This also eliminates the inconvenience or expense of needing a ‘bundle’ of remedies. A treatment program is then worked out with you, which could be as simple as a single one-off treatment or a series of treatments. Bowen Therapy is a dynamic and gentle technique that works with the muscles and connective tissue to activate healing in the body, and give substantial relief from specific injuries and a range of other health issues. The Bowen Technique is so gentle that it can be used to treat everyone – from babies through to the elderly. Australian Bush Flower Essences work as catalysts to unlock your full potential, resolve negative beliefs and create emotional health and well being. The Bush Remedies not only help to give clarity to one's life but also the courage, strength and commitment to follow and pursue one's goals and dreams. They help to develop a higher level of intuition, self esteem, spirituality, creativity and fun. The more the Essences are used, the more one is likely to experience greater awareness and happiness in one's life. Then everyone benefits....the individual, society and the planet. "Ian White - founder of ABFE" Access Consciousness Bars - Did you know there are 32 points on your head which, when gently touched, effortlessly and easily release anything that doesn't allow you to receive? These points contain all the thoughts, ideas, beliefs, emotions, and considerations you have stored in any lifetime. This is an opportunity for you to let go of everything! Each Bars session can release 5-10 thousand years of limitations in the area of your life that corresponds with the specific Bar being touched. This is an incredibly nurturing and relaxing process, undoing limitation in all aspects of your life that you are willing to change! How much of your life do you spend doing rather than receiving? Have you noticed that your life is not yet what you would like it to be? You could have everything you desire (and then some!) if you are willing to receive lots more and maybe do a little less! Receiving or learning The Bars will allow this and so much more to show up for you! The Bars has assisted thousands of people change many aspects of their body and their life including sleep, health and weight, money, sex and relationships, anxiety, stress and so much more! At worst you will feel like you have just had the best massage of your life. At best your whole life can change into something greater with total ease. Access Consciousness Body Processes explore verbal processes and hands-on bodywork that unlock the tension, resistance, and dis-ease of the body by shifting energy dynamically. People who have had an Access Body Process have reported dramatic shifts and changes with body size/shape, an overall relief from chronic and acute pain, and their relationships and money issues seem to get easier too. The Access Body Processes are designed to open up a dialogue and create a communion with your body that allows you to enjoy your body instead of fighting against it and abusing it. When you start to change the way you relate to your body, you start to change how you relate to everything in your life. Guiding you to consciously choose and create the life of your dreams! In gratitude Donna
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