
VueJS and Frontend Roadtrip Barcelona

VueJS and Frontend Roadtrip Barcelona
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Frontend and Vuejs Road Trip Barcelona - Saturday 25th May 2019

With core Vuejs Team members and local talented Frontend leaders, we bring you the Frontend and Vuejs Roadtrip. Bringing the conference environment to you, right on the beach!

Speakers Attending Frontend and Vuejs Barcelona

Quique Fdez Guerra - Delivery Lead - Plain Concepts

Quique will be speaking about dependancy injection in Vue.JS

Quique Pic

Natalia TepluhinaVuejs Core Team Member and Senior Frontend Engineer  

Alexandre Chopin- Co-creator of NuxtJS

Alexandre will be speaking about Nuxt

Alex pic

Debbie O'Brien - Frontend Team Lead at TodoPatterson

Debbie will be speaking about: "Getting started with nuxt.js + static sites"

Debbie pic

Guillaume Chau- VueJS Core Team Member

Guillaume pic

Victoria Bergquist- Vue Vixens Chapter Lead

Hot off the VuePress:Custom Themes 


Ruben Valseca- Community Leader and Organiser of FrontFest

Speaking about Building a mini-Vue from scratch showing how the reactive system is implemented!

ruben pic

Filip Rakowski - Founder Vue Storefront

Modern Web Apps Performance Tricks with PWA and Vue.js

Adrià Fontcuberta - Senior Frontend Engineer at



More to be announced soon!

Join our Slack Channel for more detailed information or use the URL:


From the team that brought you Frontend Love and Vue.js Amsterdam- “The biggest Vue.js conference and Most Dynamic Frontend Conference”, we now present the Javascript Roadtrip! A chance for everyone to experience the joys of Javascript, Frontend and Vue.js!

Sold out with over 3100 attendees at the 2019 of Frontend Developer Love & Vuejs Amsterdam. With attendees flying from over 60 countries, providing positive feedback and calling for more Vuejs knowledge, we are proud to announce Frontend and Vuejs RoadTrip

Views - 26/05/2019 Last update
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