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Vegan Alex Cooking Masterclass

Sat 29 April 2017
12:00 PM - 2:00 PM

                                           HEALTH IS WEALTH Your body is your temple for your soul, the temple must be kept clean and in working order so that the soul has a beautiful place to flourish and grow, what you eat is a very very important part of this process What you eat feeds every single atom of your being programming every cell, if you would like your body to be on top form feed it NATURE and it will show you how much more energy you can have, it will show you how being sluggish is history, you will glow like never before, your skin will thank you, your body will get rid of the extra weight it has been carrying around for years. Change is not easy but once you reprogramme your being to tune into a better frequency of living you will never go back let me teach you how, vegan does not mean tasteless so book your space now and open that door to a better version of you                                                    MENU                                              What will i be teaching you to make this class                          Black bean and plantain burgers topped with pink peppercorn onion rings                                                      lemon and herb sweet potato cubes                                                                      mixed salad                                                        JUICE                                                                 Pineapple, Apple & ginger WHAT TO EXPECT * WATER AND VEGAN ALEX SNACKS AND HOMEMADE CHOCOLATE PROVIDED (YES I SPOIL YOU WITH SNACKS LOL) * INTRODUCTION FROM ME * INTRODUCTION FROM YOU * THEN I GET STARTED ON THE COOKING * STEP BY STEP I GO THROUGH THE RECIPE * YOU CAN ASK QUESTIONS ALONG THE WAY * A NOTE PAD WILL BE PROVIDED FORYOU TO TAKE NOTES * ONCE THE MEAL AND JUICE IS PREPARED IT WILL BE PLATED UP FOR YOU TO ENJOY * THE OWNER OF RAS MENTO OILS WILL BE JOINING US TO TALK ABOUT ON HER FREE SAMPLES SHE IS PROVIDING YOU * FOR THOSE WHO OPTED IN FOR A VEGAN MEAL BOX WILL BE PRESENTED WITH IT THEN PICTURES ARE TAKEN WHAT IS IN THE VEGAN  MEAL BOX * ALL THE INGREDIENTS TO CREATE THE RECIPE * DISCOUNT VOUCHERS FROM VARIOUS VEGAN/VEGAN FRIENDLY COMPANIES: * 3 THREES VEGAN CAFE, U JUICE ,BIRMINGHAM NATURAL HEALTH * FREE PACKET OF VEGAN ALEX KALE CRISPS * 2 FREE SAMPLES OF RAS MENTO 100% NATURAL INFUSED COCONUT OIL: LAVENDER & FRANKINCENSE                                          KEEP YOUR EYES PEELED FOR ANY ADDITIONAL SAMPLES FROM MORE COMPANIES                                                                                                                                     Tickets Options                                                         1. Just food & the recipe £25                                                  2. Food recipe & vegan meal box £40                                                   WHERE                                                                INTOTO KITCHENS                                                                5 BELLWELL LANE                                                              SUTTON COLDFIELD                                                                        B74 4AA                                                           FREE PARKING AT REAR
food sweets vegetarian culture courses
30/04/2017 Last update

In-toto Kitchens - Mere Green
5 Belwell Lane, Sutton Coldfield, England, United Kingdom

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Vegan Alex Cooking Masterclass

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  1. Vegan Alex
  2. Vegan Alex Cooking Masterclass