
Skillset Certificate in Temporary Electrical Systems (SCiTES) BS7909

Skillset Certificate in Temporary Electrical Systems (SCiTES) BS7909
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Ydych chi’n drydanwr neu’n dechnegydd goleuo sy’n gweithio yn y meysydd darlledu, ffilm neu theatr?  Os ie... bydd y cwrs yma yn hanfodol i chi.

(Pris Masnachol £360)

Are you an electrician or lighting technician working in Broadcasting, Film or Theatre?  If so this course is essential for you.

(Commercial Cost £360) 

Mae Dystysgrif Skillset mewn systemau trydanol dros dro (SCiTES) wedi cael ei greu ar gyfer y rhai sy’n gweithio gyda phŵer dros dro, yn enwedig (ond nid yn unig) mewn y meysydd darlledu/ffilm, theatr, gwyliau, sioeau a digwyddiadau arddangosfa.

The Skillset Certificate in temporary electrical systems (SCiTES) has been created for all of those working with temporary power, particularly (but not exclusively) in the broadcast/film, theatre, festivals, shows and exhibition industries.

Mae’n hanfodol eich bod yn darllen y ff9900;">rhestr wirio Cyn-cais cyn ceisio am le ar y cwrs.


Datblygwyd y dystysgrif hon yn dilyn cais gan grŵp diogelwch sy'n cynnwys y prif ddarlledwyr, BECTU, PACT a Trydanwyr Llawrydd.

Bu newidiadau sylweddol mewn safonau trydanol (yn enwedig BS7671 a BS7909) ac arferion gwaith yn y blynyddoedd diwethaf.

Mae mwy o ddealltwriaeth a chymhwyso deddfwriaeth iechyd a diogelwch, gwell gwybodaeth am egwyddorion diogelwch trydanol a chynhyrchion a gofynion cynyddol a roddir ar systemau dros dro (a achosir gan offer modern) wedi arwain at ddatblygiad y cwrs hwn gan y diwydiant.   

It is essential that you read the 993300;">Pre-application checklist before applying for a place on this course.


This certificate has been developed following a request from a safety group comprising of the major broadcasters, BECTU, PACT and Freelance Electricians. 

There have been significant changes in electrical standards (notably BS 7671 and BS 7909) and working practices in recent years.

Increased understanding and application of health and safety legislation, better knowledge of electrical safety principles and products and the greater demands placed on temporary systems (caused by modern equipment) has led to the industry developing this course. 


The intention is to allow experienced practitioners already working in the industry, or those newly qualified by allied routes such as 17th Edition qualifications or electrical NVQs, to demonstrate an understanding of what is required to practice safely with temporary electrical systems.

Under health and safety law employers have a duty to ensure that those responsible for providing an electrically safe working environment on their behalf can do so competently and effectively.  Many employers (spearheaded by the BBC) are intending to enforce this certificate for those responsible for temporary power systems on their productions.

This course highlights the legal responsibilities of those working with power and uses ordinary scenarios and situations to explain common hazards and how the associated Standards can be used to mitigate the risks.

Y bwriad yw caniatáu ymarferwyr profiadol sydd eisoes yn gweithio yn y diwydiant, neu’r rhai sydd newydd gymhwyso gan lwybrau cysylltiedig megis cymwysterau 17eg Argraffiad neu NVQs trydanol, i ddangos dealltwriaeth o’r hyn sydd ei angen i ymarfer yn ddiogel gyda systemau trydanol dros dro. 

Dan y gyfraith iechyd a diogelwch mae dyletswydd ar gyflogwyr i sicrhau bod y rhai sy'n gyfrifol am ddarparu amgylchedd gwaith trydanol diogel ar eu rhan yn gwneud hynny’n fedrus ac yn effeithiol.  Mae llawer o gyflogwr (dan arweiniad y BBC) yn bwriadu orfodi’r dystysgrif hon ar gyfer y rhai sy'n gyfrifol am systemau pŵer dros dro ar eu cynyrchiadau.

Mae'r cwrs hwn yn tynnu sylw at gyfrifoldebau cyfreithiol y rhai sy'n gweithio gyda phŵer ac yn defnyddio senarios a sefyllfaoedd cyffredin i esbonio peryglon cyffredin a sut y gall y Safonau cysylltiedig cael eu defnyddio i leihau’r risgiau.  


Mae'r dystysgrif eisoes wedi cael ei redeg ar draws y DU gan cynnwys Cymru gyda llawer o ymgeiswyr yn ei argymell i'w cydweithwyr.

The certificate has been run extensively throughout the UK including Wales with many candidates recommending it to their colleagues.

Mae'n gwrs deuddydd yn rhedeg o 09.30 tan 17.00 bob diwrnod gyda 11 asesiad byr dros y dau ddiwrnod.

This is a two day course running from 09.30 until 17.00 each day with 11 short assessments over the two days.


Mae James Eade, Peiriannydd Siartredig, wedi gweithio ar ddigwyddiadau byw dros y byd ac mae'n parhau i weithio yn y maes. 

Mae James yn cynrychioli nifer o gymdeithasau masnach ar bwyllgorau safonau Prydeinig gan gynnwys BS7909 a BS7671. 


James Eade, Chartered Engineer, has worked on live events around the world and continues to get his hands dirty on location.    

He represents a number of trade associations on British standards committees including BS7909 and BS7671.

Am ragor o wybodaeth am y cwrs gweler y linc isod.

For further information on the course see the link below.

Rhowch wybod i ni yn gyfrinachol os oes arnoch angen unrhyw gymorth ychwanegol (e.e. ar gyfer y profion ysgrifennu).

Please let us know in confidence if you require any additional support (e.g. for the writing tests).

Views - 09/03/2017 Last update
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  1. CULT Cymru (BECTU)
  2. Skillset Certificate in Temporary Electrical Systems (SCiTES) BS7909
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