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Prosiect rhwng pedwar undeb o'r diwydiannau creadigol yw CULT Cymru.   Ariannir gan Gronfa Dysgu Undebau Cymru, Llywodraeth Cymru. Gan weithio gyda nifer o bartneriaid, rydym yn cefnogi datblygiad proffesiynol gweithwyr y diwydiant trwy trefnu gweithdai a dosbarthiadau meistr, cyfleoedd rhwydweithio, digwyddiadau ac yn darparu gwybodaeth a chymorth.   CULT Cymru is a project between four of the unions in the creative industries funded by the Welsh Government’s Wales Union Learning Fund. Working with many partners, we support the professional development of industry workers by organising workshops and master classes, networking opportunities and events and through providing information and support.
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