PI ETA Consulting Company, is a Treasury & Financial Risk Management consulting concern.
Our vision is to address the Treasury & Financial Risk Management requirements of corporations and financial institutions with cutting-edge technology and techniques.
As Treasury & Financial Risk Management facilitators, we assist our clients to manage their Treasury & Financial Risks independently with a combination of Consulting Services, Training Programs and User-friendly platforms - The PERMIT®1 System, The PERMIT® Batch Manager System, The PERMIT® Reports Manager System, The PERMIT® Auto-Feeds Manager System, The PERMIT® PayMaster System, The PERMIT® Risk Manager System, The PERMIT® Portfolio Manager System, The PERMIT® Training Manager System and The PEKE®2 System.
At PI ETA, we adopt a 3-prong approach to working with clients in implementing good treasury & financial risk management practices and inculcating such good practices and policies into their business models in order to preserve and possibly add to their shareholders’ value.
Back-to-basics Seminars emphasize the important foundational aspects required to start-off a good risk management practice, and the more advanced seminars serve to reinforce some of the requisite techniques and methodologies required to develop and sustain good management policies and framework. Our seminars allow our consultants to share with clients, real world problems and issues faced by others in developing good risk management practices and in turn offer cost effective and efficient solutions on a ‘shared-consulting-shared costs’ basis, i.e., cost effective jump-start to the process. Our clients have a choice of both public and in-house seminars.
Consulting Services assist organizations in hedging their risk exposures and in implementing efficient and sound risk management practices, focusing on the more specialized issues that are not within the scope of the seminars, possibly for reasons of confidentiality, etc.
In-house Software Systems assist organizations in their Treasury & Financial Risk Management activities.
Should you require further information, please feel free to contact:
The PEER Group
at +65 634 100 10 or email at marketing@pi-eta.com