
Asil Toksal

13 Events 0 Followers
2019 2018
About Asil Three years ago, Asil experienced a deep spiritual transformation, in which he connected to the channeled guides. At that point he was not aware they are of the angelic realms. The intensity of this experience left him in a state of bliss and questioning all aspects of life, setting a milestone in his current phase of life. He was given a choice to work with the guides from a blank slate, which would require him to let go of any past traditions, rituals, healing methods, dogma, and teachers that he had learned. So he decided to travel and spend time in as much quiet contemplation as possible, as the guides were adjusting his system physically and energetically. All these changes physical and energetic in nature happened, so the guides could work through him, without negatively impacting his system with the high energy that passes through, as Asil channels.  Asil has been on the spiritual path and working with healing methodologies for more than 18 years. In those years, he has acquired many teachings, initiations by lineage holders of various traditions from South America, North America and China. During this time he also served as a CEO and corporate executive in the traditional structures of society. All aspects of his past have contributed to who he is today. Much surrender, sacrifice and devotion have brought Asil to the place where he now serves the divine, so that the divine forces of creation can serve humanity through him as an instrument.  Asil has received the explicit instructions and authorization of the guides to serve as a channel and instrument of their work. The instructions were clear to travel to many corners and cities of the world to  deliver this work to as many people as possible. On these journey, he will also work on places of interest, like energy spots, war zones, temples to activate or transmute energies so these places can serve once again for humanities’ growth.  Asil has since then travelled and offered this divine opening in many cities in the US, Europe, Asia and Middle East.
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