For What Purpose is a dramatic reenactment of the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. From the moment you step into the auditorium, you will feel like a part of the greatest story ever told. You will be surrounded by a living stage that spans the entire building, immersing you in the actual events from 2000 years ago.
The Easter drama is written and produced by The Rock Church in Elk Grove, CA with a cast of more than 200 people utilizing a 3,500 square foot stage. It has been sixteen years since The Rock Church’s last production of For What Purpose, which ran previously for 12 consecutive years from 1986 to 1997 and was once considered to be the largest theatrical production in Northern California (including the Bay Area).
For What Purpose is more than just a simple play or drama. It is a life-changing experience! It brings to life the true story of real people and real events. The characters depicted in this drama lived, died, and left their indelible mark in the pages of history. For What Purpose?
Join us this Easter and experience the life of Jesus Christ like never before.