
GSCBA & Asheville Brewers Alliance

3 Events 0 Followers
2019 2018 2017
ABOUT BEER CITY FESTIVALAsheville’s premier downtown craft beer festival will take place on May 27th on Roger McGuire Green. Beer City Festival brings the best local and regional breweries from Asheville and surrounding areas together for a great day of beer and music. This year’s event features over 30+ breweries and local music acts, and will serve as the kickoff event for Asheville Beer Week. A portion of this year’s proceeds will go to benefit Big Brothers Big Sisters of Western North Carolina, a wonderful organization that seeks to change the lives of children facing adversity between 6 and 18 years of age. The WNC chapter benefits the lives of people daily, and Beer City Festival is proud to be a part of this organization. All of the breweries featured in Beer City Festival are members of the Asheville Brewers Alliance (ABA). The ABA focuses on the growth of local and surrounding Asheville breweries through active partnership and support. ABOUT ASHEVILLE BREWERS ALLIANCE (ABA)MISSION: To promote Asheville (and regionally) produced beers and exchange knowledge and support between our members for the betterment and enrichment of the beer community. The ABA was created to promote Asheville as a beer destination and promote Asheville area breweries. To exchange knowledge and support among members. To collaborate on marketing ventures. For more information about Asheville Brewers Alliance, please visit 
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