
Leiann King

5 Events 0 Followers
2019 2017
Hello, I am Leiann King!  After more than 20 years of using essential oils and becoming a personal development connoisseur, along with immersing myself in my heritage of sacred Native American teachings, and after absorbing a series of powerful life-changing events. I am here to tell you, I found myself waking up and realizing that life really can be so much more dynamic and full of possibilities then most of us are brought up to believe. However, even though the self-help books and workshops improved me, ultimately I was missing something … something to make it all stick. I was so frustrated that I would go to these workshops and seminars vowing to change my life for good this time. I found myself having the excitement wear off, and all my best-laid plans fell by the wayside. Can you relate? Then, one day while I was soaking in a nice essential oil salt bath, I found myself feeling frustrated, angry, and confused! It finally hit me ... WHY NOT? Why not use the science of how the essential oils affect the limbic system of the brain! This is where memories and emotions are stored. We can lock in and create lasting change with all the skills and tools I had learned through all the years of transformative training I have acquired. I set out a course of experiments trying different oils. I was creating blends along with different mentoring principles let me tell you, the results were nothing short of miraculous! I found that by combining the two, I could create so much more out of my life and have it actually work and last longer than the excitement of the self-help book I’d read or workshop I had attended. What have I been able to achieve since this adventure began? I became an internationally certified aromatherapist, certified iridologist, and master herbalist. I wrote a book! This informative guide to essential oils has sold thousands of copies – and it’s now in its second edition. I ran a 5K race (I never ran before in my life! Ever!) I have helped transform the sales in the essential oil division of a major nutritional company. I created my own aromatherapy certification online school. I have created my own aromatic iridology program, a Native American aromatic iridology program based on the medicine wheel teachings, a raw food and essential oil cooking program and the list goes on and on. I overcame my anxiety of even leaving my home at all, and now I travel all over the world teaching workshops. Can you tell? I love what I do! So, with all of this success what was missing?  A "tribe" of like-minded women who I could truly connect with. Not just one time, but over and over and over again! I have the drive to share the inspiration, support, and resources that would be a perfect fit for what I have learned and where I am going. For a while I found my home in the world of essential oils.  Perhaps like you, I found a tribe that seemed to have more in common with me then all of the others. For a while I truly felt at home. Yet, in the essential oil world I also discovered that there were plenty of people who were not my tribe – not everyone was into it for the same reasons as me, nor did everyone see it as the incredible portal for the whole-person potential … the transformation that it truly is. So I went searching again. Long story short, via my international travels for business, I met many other women. I learned that there is indeed a huge number of women who are fascinated to learn all of it, and by all of it I mean the evolution, the seeking of the highest of the high in the areas of the body, mind, heart and soul. These are women who recognize that they are multi-dimensional rather than one-dimensional souls and, as such, recognize the value and importance of nourishing themselves holistically, rather than focusing on just one thing.
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