
Mental Health First Aid for City of Philadelphia Employees*

31 Events 0 Followers
2018 2017
For City of Philadelphia Employees ONLY *MUST HAVE SUPERVISOR'S APPROVAL TO ATEND   We think of First Aid as something administered to people in need of physical health intervention. What about people who need immediate assistance for their mental health? Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) is an eight-hour course that teaches the skills needed to identify, understand, and respond to signs of behavioral health challenges or crises. Philadelphia is one of the first metropolitan areas in the U.S. to implement MHFA on a large scale. DBHIDS offers the training free of charge for individuals who live, work, or study in the City of Philadelphia. Once a certified aider, you will be able to recognize behavioral health signs and administer aid until appropriate treatment and supports are received, or until the crisis is resolved.
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