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Cynthia Randolph, LCSW Cynthia Randolph, LCSW, graduated in 1983 from the School for International Training with a bachelor’s degree in international studies and received her master’s degree in social work from the University of Connecticut. She has worked for the state of Connecticut for twenty-three years and is currently a behavioral health program manager for the Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services. She has extensive experience working with youths and adults with severe mental health challenges. For over thirty-seven years, Cynthia has studied and utilized various alternative modalities for healing in her own life and to help others. She seeks to empower mental health practitioners with alternative healing practices as an adjunct to conventional psychiatric treatment. She now teaches these techniques to youths and adults in her community. She also sits on the Connecticut State Board of the National Association for Mental Illness. Dr. Deep  Dr. Deepmala graduated from Duke University in 2011 in psychiatry and then completed a pediatric psychiatry fellowship at the University of Arkansas/Arkansas Children's Hospital where she worked as assistant professor for two years before moving here.  Currently, she works with MultiCare Behavior Health. She has experience in various areas of psychiatry—pharmacotherapy, psychotherapy, research, administration, teaching, and public mental health initiatives. For the past two years, she has focused on the role of yoga, meditation, and breathing techniques in mental health. She has been trained in teaching breathing-based meditation—Sudarshan Kriya.  Denise Richardson, Senior Faculty, International Assoicaion for Huamn Values Denise Richardson is a national leader in the human potential movement. She has over forty years of meditation experience, and she brings with her a wealth of experience and knowledge of the mind–body complex. Denise is a senior faculty member with the International Association for Human Values, a nonprofit humanitarian organization that provides educational programs in stress management and self-development and undertakes service projects around the globe in the areas of conflict resolution, disaster and trauma relief, empowerment for women, prisoner rehabilitation, and organizational excellence. She has taught thousands of people from all walks of life how to use breathing and meditation techniques to conquer stress and increase their capacity to bring positive energy into their daily interactions. She leads programs for people dealing with cancer or depression as well as specialized programs for military veterans.   Juan Mosquera. YES! Teacher, Eastern Regional Coordinator Juan joined the YES! team in New York full-time in 2014. A native Spanish-speaker with his roots in Colombia, Juan was raised in Ohio and attended the Ohio State University, receiving a B.S. in Business Administration and Marketing. During his time in university, he served in several leadership positions and became very involved with Yes Plus, the college­ age program for YES! Jaun found his passion for serving youth in schools. Juan has spent the last three years overseeing services for Dodd Middle School in Freeport Long Island, supporting school climate change through the curriculum, SEL practices, and working together with the committed staff towards a stress­-free, violence­-free school. He is now excited to be bring programming back to the Midwest and oversee model school development as a regional coordinator.
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