
The Australian Institute of Health Innovation (AIHI), Macquarie University

28 Events 0 Followers
2019 2018
The Australian Institute of Health Innovation (AIHI) is a leading research institute investigating many aspects of health care. The Institute is comprised of three Centres: the Centre for Healthcare Resilience and Implementation Science, the Centre for Health Informatics and the Centre for Health Systems and Safety Research. We’re a major national resource for many people whose work is intrinsic to strengthening health systems, organisations and services. We strive to conduct world-class research with relevance to national and international research communities, governments, policymakers, providers of health services, managers, clinicians, patients and the community. Our work underpins health reforms and systems improvement and provides new tools, perspectives and evidence to help stakeholders who are interested in making the health system more effective, efficient and productive. Our overarching aim is to produce new, high quality research evidence to support change and improvement. We are funded by the National Health and Medical Research Council, the Australian Research Council, NSW Health and many other supporters, partners and stakeholders. If you want to find out more about our projects, national and international collaborators, staff or students, or access our research, annual reports or research monographs, you will find a wealth of materials on this site. The principal objective of the AIHI is to conduct multidisciplinary research into health sector practices, organisation and management, that directly enhances the delivery of high quality, safe, efficient and affordable health care. The emphasis is on translational research, and turning policy into practice.
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