
Bella Vista Social Club

Bella Vista Social Club
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Back by popular demand!  So many Fanatics have asked me to visit the Bella Vista Social Club & Caffe again with their great views and wonderfully relaxing outdoor venue in Torrey Pines by the glider port.

Note that happy hour wine specials will extend till 7:30pm for our group and the venue closes at 9pm.

Wine, beer, coffee, and appetizers also available. See the full menu here:

Park on the street or parking is validated for 2 hours in the lot. Each additional hour is a couple bucks or so (cheap!).

As usual, if you have questions, get lost, or are in need of my sage wisdom on life, call or text me at[masked]-3083.

Web site:



You may not know that the organizers pay a fee to to have a group.  My fees are $180 a year.  If you would be so kind as to make a contribution I would truly appreciate it.  Every dollar helps, and no contribution is too small.  Donations can be sent to my PayPal account at [masked] or of course made in person.   Thank you!

55 Views - 22/12/2018 Last update
aperitifs happy hour courses wine
Bella Vista Social Club and Caffe
2880 Torrey Pines Scenic Dr, La Jolla, United States
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2880 Torrey Pines Scenic Dr, La Jolla, United States
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Bella Vista Social Club and Caffe
2880 Torrey Pines Scenic Dr, La Jolla, United States
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