
Stress Management, Motivation & Productivity Training for Corporate Teams (1Hour Webinar)

Stress Management, Motivation & Productivity Training for Corporate Teams (1Hour Webinar)
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Workshop Building Blocks: 

  • Regulating Stress : Theory & Practice

  • Developing resilience

  • Theories of Motivation: 

  • Enhancing Personal Motivation 

  • Personal and Team Productivity

  • Work-Life Balance

  • Personal Happiness and Motivation


As a result of this training you will: 


  • Develop important skills of working under pressure with greater productivity 

  • Learn relaxation techniques to effectively manage stress

  • Enhance resiliency to meet challenges at the workplace

  • Learn techniques to enhance personal productivity to achieve results more quickly and effectively

  • Receive tailored action-plans,

  • Learn techniques for stress reduction and behavior modification.

  • Enhance personal motivation 

  • Learn techniques to maintain a motivated personal attitude in the workplace

  • learn how to apply motivational theories and techniques to workplace situations

  • Motivate themselves for peak performance

  • Be able to motivate others for achievement

  • Reduce possibilities of workplace conflicts

  • Strengthen communication process

  • Improve project results and time efficiency

  • Improve ability to develop productive teamwork

  • Improve creativity and innovation 


About the trainer: 

Tatiana Indina, PhD - is a business trainer, leadership & team coach & organization development consultant with over 10 years experience of work with global and international teams, C-level executives of Fortune 500 companies and smaller startups. 

Tatiana Indina is a CEO & founder of Indina-Consulting Innovation Academy in Silicon Valley and Mission2Mars Online Accelerator. 

She holds PhD in Social Psychology from Russian Academy of Education (Moscow, Russia, 2007), was a Fulbright Visiting Scholar in Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars (Washington DC, US, 2011), is a fellow of Harvard Berkman-Klein Center for Internet Studies (2015),  a research scholar of multiple international projects on Internet governance and digital communication (UNESCO, Ranking Digital Rights, Ameriacan University, Annenberg School of Communication, Internews)  and an often speaker at international psychological and Internet governance conferences (IGF, UN, CyberBRICS, T20)

Tatiana is an acknowledged Social Scientist and a high level expert in organizational psychology. Dr. Indina expertise covers a wide range of areas, such as international communication leadership and entrepreneurship. Tatiana Indina is a well-known business trainer of international management and leadership programs in Russia and FSU. Dr. Indina teaches  business communication classes in MBA programs and provides executive coaching for companies and government bodies on international relations and business, leadership and professional effectiveness. 

Tatiana is an author of 5 books and over 50 research papers. Her latest book "CEO 2.0" addresses the problem of developing key competencies for the next generation of leaders in digital age.  She is a regular speaker on International conferences on social sciences worldwide. 

Views - 26/02/2020 Last update
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