Instructor: Bobbi Decker COST $259 *Lunch included and course
materials included Click here to view cancellation policy Class
Sponsorship Opportunities Available! Contact:
Designation Requirements These three (3) requirements must be met to
attain and use the SRES® Designation: 1. Successful completion of the
two-day SRES® Designation Course. 2. Membership in good standing in
the SRES® Council. (New designees receive one-year membership in the
Seniors Real Estate Specialist® (SRES®) Council FREE. Annual dues
are $99 each year thereafter.) 3. Maintain active membership status
with the National Association of REALTORS® or an NAR cooperating
association. Discover the advantages of NAR’s Seniors Real Estate
Specialist® designation. Build your real estate business with
specialized knowledge of the wants, needs and expectations of home
buyers and sellers aged 50+. By earning your SRES® designation via
the 2-day course, you gain familiarity with these unique buyers and
sellers, and connect with a specialized referral network of more than
13,000 REALTORS®. SRES® Program Information The SRES® designation
course seeks to instill knowledge and understanding of and empathy for
50+ real estate clients and customers. Develop the business building
skills and resources needed for specialization in the 50+ real estate
market. The SRES® designation program provides professional training
and development suitable for continuing education credit.
SRES® Designation Course Learning Objectives: Learn distinguishing
characteristics and trends of the 50+ market so that you can discern
them in your own market area Evaluate your market area attractiveness
to the 50+ market Master the vocabulary of the range of housing
options for the 50+ market Learn the application of federal laws for
Housing for Older Persons Act (HOPA) Develop business building
outreach methods for communicating and gaining 50+ market share Adapt
methods for counseling the 50+ buyer and sellers Stay focused on the
transaction and avoid inappropriate involvement in family matters
Develop sensitivities to 50+ issues and priorities when counseling
buyers and sellers, showing properties, and managing transactions
Develop services that win and sustain client and customer
relationships and position you as a trusted real estate advisor
Assemble a team of experts to help you serve 50+ clients and customers
Learn about the uses, benefits, procedures, and issues involved in
reverse mortgages Learn about uses of pensions, 401k accounts, and
IRAs in real estate transactions Gain an understanding of how
Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security impact 50+ real estate
decisions Recognize mortgage finance and loan schemes and scams that
victimize 50+ borrowers Identify key life stages, viewpoints, and
transitions in relation to housing choices Recognize how a home can be
adapted for safety, comfort, and aging in place Help clients integrate
disposition of real property into estate plans Quick Facts: Successful
completion of the two-day SRES® designation course Active membership
in the National Association of REALTORS® 80% passing grade on exam
SRES Membership Benefits Active membership in the SRES® Council. (New
designees receive one-year membership in the Seniors Real Estate
Council® FREE. Annual dues are $99 each year thereafter.) What You
Gain: Access to the online SRES® member database Access to the
members-only section of the SRES® web site Consumer marketing
materials Quarterly newsletter Marketing letters Scripts and concepts
for contacting clients age 50+ Interested in sponsoring this class?
Click here for sponsorship info
04/10/2019 Last update