
Movies with a Mission: Becoming

Movies with a Mission: Becoming
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In celebration of Women’s History Month, we are presenting a screening of Becoming. This documentary features former First Lady Michelle Obama, offering a glimpse into her life during the 2019 book tour for her memoir, “Becoming.” This exploration of her journey and the impact of her story shines a light on the roles she has embodied—mother, lawyer, wife, and more. It’s an inspiring and intimate look at the life of a woman who continues to make history and inspire millions.

99 Views - 24/03/2025 Last update
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Sid Jacobson JCC
300 Forest Drive, East Hills, 11548, NY, United States
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Sid Jacobson JCC
300 Forest Drive, East Hills, 11548, NY, United States
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  2. Movies with a Mission: Becoming
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