
PDCA of SC - 2020 Driven Pile Technical Seminar

PDCA of SC - 2020 Driven Pile Technical Seminar
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The Pile Driving Contractors Association of South Carolina (PDCA of SC) is proud to sponsor a one-day technical seminar on driven pile foundations for the benefit of contractors, structural and geotechnical engineers, architects and owners!

The diverse program will cover case histories, design methodologies, and pile driving practices and testing.

Confirmed presentations below:

"Structure Responses to Construction Vibrations and Environmental Effects"
Dr. Catherine T. Aimone-Martin, President | Aimone-Martin Associates, LLC

"Lessons Learned from Blast Induced Liquefaction Tests Surrounding Steel and Concrete Piles"
Richard A. Coffman, Ph.D., P.E., PLS | Associate Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering | University of Arkansas

"Reliability and Economy of Driven Piles"
Garland Likins, P.E.| Pile Dynamics Inc.

"Tilting at Windmills: Don Quixote meets the International Building Code"
Dale Biggers, P.E., V.P. | Boh Bros. Construction Co., LLC

"Slope Stabilization with 24-inch Diameter Pipe Piles in Montana"
Paul Axtell, P.E., D.GE, Principal Engineer | Dan Brown and Associates

When: Thursday, March 19, 8:00 AM to 3:30 PM (registration from 8:00 to 9:00 AM)

Where: Holliday Alumni Center (The Citadel), 69 Hagood Ave, Charleston, SC 29403

Cost: $95 per Attendee, $50 per Government Employee, Full-time Students Free

PDH: Engineers may claim up to 5.5 PDH

Included: Continental Breakfast, Lunch, Refreshments, Seminar Notes

Thanks to our seminar chair, Greg Canivan (S&ME), for a fantastic speaker lineup, and thanks to our seminar sponsors for your generous contributions that allow the PDCA of SC to offer this program at an excellent rate!

Views - 21/03/2020 Last update
Holliday Alumni Center - The Citadel
69 Hagood Avenue, Charleston, 29403, SC, United States
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69 Hagood Avenue, Charleston, 29403, SC, United States
Holliday Alumni Center - The Citadel
69 Hagood Avenue, Charleston, 29403, SC, United States
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