
McLane Stadium Tours

McLane Stadium Tours
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Join us for a 90 minute guided tour of McLane Stadium, home to the Baylor Bears and also Central Texas ‘state-of-the-art entertainment and sports venue. Tours will start at 12 pm and 3 pm on this day. All Public Tours start at Bruiser’s Locker Room, located off of parking lot 2, between Gates B and…


1,586 Views - 22/11/2019 Last update
McLane Stadium
1001 S Martin Luther King, Jr Blvd, Waco, 76704, TX, United States
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1001 S Martin Luther King, Jr Blvd, Waco, 76704, TX, United States
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McLane Stadium
1001 S Martin Luther King, Jr Blvd, Waco, 76704, TX, United States
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  2. McLane Stadium Tours
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