
Central Vermont OLLI, Bill Torrey’s Cuttting Remarks

Central Vermont OLLI, Bill Torrey’s Cuttting Remarks
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Montpelier Bridge

Central Vermont OLLI, Bill Torrey’s Cuttting Remarks

Five-time MOTH story slam winner Bill Torrey will return us to 60s Vermont. A 40-year career logger, Torrey will describe the dangerous challenges of logging for a living in Vermont forests.

Wednesday, March 12, 2025, 1:30-3 pm, Montpelier Senior Activity Center, 58 Barre St. for series programs and registration

Series description and registration 

Questions? 802-223-5886

303 Views - 13/03/2025 Last update
Montpelier Senior Activity Center
58 Barre Street, Montpelier, 05602, Vermont, United States
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58 Barre Street, Montpelier, 05602, Vermont, United States
Montpelier Senior Activity Center
58 Barre Street, Montpelier, 05602, Vermont, United States
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