
Central VT OLLI, Refugee Resettlement

Central VT OLLI, Refugee Resettlement
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Montpelier Bridge

Central VT OLLI, Refugee Resettlement

UVM Professor Dr. Pablo Bose, migration scholar and urban geographer, will describe how the U.S. Refugee Program has brought new vitality to our communities, schools, and industries since 2005. He’ll examine barriers to US resettlement with changing federal policies.

Wednesday, March 19, 2025, 1:30-3 pm, Montpelier Senior Activity Center, 58 Barre St for series programs and registration

Series description and registration 

Questions? 802-223-5886

248 Views - 20/03/2025 Last update
education politics volunteerism
Montpelier Senior Activity Center
58 Barre Street, Montpelier, 05602, Vermont, United States
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58 Barre Street, Montpelier, 05602, Vermont, United States
Montpelier Senior Activity Center
58 Barre Street, Montpelier, 05602, Vermont, United States
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  2. Central VT OLLI, Refugee Resettlement
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