TRE. What is it? TENSION, Stress, TRAUMA RELEASE EXERCISE... Somatic.
Simple. Unique. Innovative. Practical. Accessible. Easy to learn.
Born over 25 yrs ago in the war zones and disaster areas.
It differentiates from the other somatic modalities and exercises
because it works on the sub-conscious, the primitive in us. The
survival instinct. It is true innate body wisdom.
Many of us are constantly tensed, chronically stressed and some of us
in pain. There are those who have unresolved trauma and PTSD.
Our body keeps score. We either manage our tension/stress/trauma or we
BURY it, deeply impacting our Nervous System and it affects everything
we are and everything we do.
When our systems are in high alert, some systems & functions are shut
down and therefore we are in a diminished state that ranges from mild
to severe.
To summarize and super simplify a very complex Biology process, just
know 2 things:
1) We are genetically encoded to involuntarily contract in moments of
tension/stress & danger. Even our DNA & chromosomes contract.
2) On the flip side, we are also genetically encoded to Involuntarily
tremor AFTER those moments of tension/stress & danger to re-balance
the body.
But the problem is Society has so conditioned us that tremoring is
bad...It makes us look sick, weak, afraid. So we have forgotten to
tremor. We suppress, avoid, clamp down, shame.
TRE's specific and simple exercises stretches and fatigues constricted
muscle groups. This activates a natural tremoring mechanism.
If we can tremor, we can calm down the nervous system.If we can calm
down the nervous system, there is a restoration of the other health
It does not have to be about tension, stress, trauma. It can also be
about ease and flow, full expression, creativity, high
TRE is grounding, centering, embodying. Healing!
And the point...TRE can be part of your evolution. Simply...we need to
release to heal. When we can start the body healing process, we
re-pattern our physical & psychological responses and build
We can start to align.
TRE® is a safe and effective stress release technique for most
people. The TRE process should not be used as a substitute for trauma
recovery procedures of a medical or psychological nature. Individuals
who have physical or psychological/psychiatric conditions that require
strict regulation, individuals with fragile psychological defenses, a
complex history of trauma or restricting physical or medical
limitations should consult their medical practitioner or a Certified
TRE Provider prior to performing these exercises.
Rebecca traveled extensively getting a world view of multiple
countries. She attended schools in Pakistan, Thailand, Switzerland,
England, Israel, Philippines and the US. The rich, varied experiences
and adventures of crisscrossing the globe instilled in Rebecca a deep
respect for all cultures, religions and people in all walks of life
and circumstances.
Rebecca has experienced multiple careers as a Business Administrator,
Senior Network Support Engineer, Supervisor and Systems Engineer III.
She left a high stress, moneyed career and became an end-of-life
caretaker to her parents, undergoing a life-changing, humbling and
soulful shift. Now, she strives to live in full potential, expression
and creativity – Rebecca is an author in 4 anthologies, a
community/tribe builder, hospital volunteer, Trauma/Addiction/Energy
speaker/presenter, Reconnective Healing & Reiki practitioner, TRE
(Tension, Stress, Trauma Release Process) facilitator and designs
symbolic, resonant jewelry.
"We are diminished when sick, in pain or overwhelmed. When we
INTEGRATE healing approaches to body, mind AND our energy field…we
release multi-layered and long-standing blockages. Dense, heavy, stuck
energy is discharged physically, emotionally and energetically, thus
RAISING our “home” frequency. When we heal, we emerge. Evolve.
Transcend...then we are free to go."
Rebecca Thompson, TRE Facilitator-Tension, Stress Release Exercise,
Trauma Release Process, Reconnective Healing & Reiki Practitioner,
Tribe Builder
Contact her at: (571) 338-1022 / /
24/02/2020 Last update